
Hotels & Pubs

Introducing the Hotels & Pubs Table Management System, a comprehensive solution designed specifically to cater to the table management needs of hotels and pubs. This advanced software revolutionises the way these establishments handle the table operations, providing enhanced guest experiences and improved operational efficiency.

Hotel Solutions

Table Assignment and Grouping

Effectively assign tables to guests based on party size, seating preferences, or specific requests, ensuring guests are seated together and avoiding unnecessary gaps.

Floor Plans

Design and customize floor plans to accurately represent the layout of the hotel or pub, enabling visual and user-friendly table management.

Table Turnover

Monitor and optimize table turnover rates, ensuring efficient use of available tables and minimizing guest waiting times.


Cater to a diverse guest base by offering multilingual support, ensuring seamless communication and a comfortable experience for international guests.

Special Events

Handle special events and large group reservations efficiently, facilitating customized seating arrangements and ensuring smooth operations during peak periods.

Staff Task

Assign tasks and responsibilities to staff members, ensuring effective coordination in table management, guest service, and overall operations.

Guest Profiles

Maintain comprehensive guest profiles, including preferences, allergies, and special requests, ensuring personalized service and enhancing guest satisfaction.

Mobile Access

Provide staff with mobile access to the table management system, enabling them to update table statuses, manage reservations, and communicate on the go for seamless operations.

Feedback Collection

Collect guest feedback and reviews through the table management system, providing valuable insights for improving service quality and addressing any issues promptly.

Bookings List

Create new bookings and receive online booking on the fly.
Send custom notifications, modify the status or assign custom tags.

Resv restaurant reservations list view bookings