
Restaurant Management

Operate seamless shifts around the clock. Achieve record-breaking nights every time with a restaurant table management system that handles online waitlists and ensures accurate turn times.

RESV Restaurant Management

Customise Your Dining Room

Efficiently manage your restaurant by customizing your shift planning to meet your requirements, and gain control over your availability using restaurant floor plan software.

Optimize Front-of-House Operations

Enhance operational efficiency and achieve faster table turnover in your front-of-house by utilizing our restaurant seating system.

Maintain Efficient Dining Room

Strategise for each shift using statistics, historical trend comparisons, and comprehensive overviews.

Bespoke Floor Plans

Optimise your dining room’s efficiency by using custom floor plans and flexible table inventory to maximize your business.

Different Types of Tables

Boost your covers by providing table options, including bar & outdoor seating.

Comprehensive Reports

Enhance your operational efficiency by leveraging robust reporting tools and analysing turn times to make the most out of each shift.

Table Assignment Automations

Optimise your dining room to accommodate additional walk-in guests by following table assignment automations.

Shareable Tables

This concept encourages a communal dining experience, allowing diners to share the space with others.

Drag & Drop

You can assign tables by dragging the reservation of any table and dropping it onto any available one.

Overview Shift Details

Empower your staff by providing them with shift overview details, essential guest notes, and information about upcoming events.

Covers Report

Review upcoming shift statistics to prepare your game plan, and efficiently print and share the cover report with your team.

Analyse Shift Revenue

Monitor your shift revenue in real time and keep track of spending across your reservations.

Tables Lock

Now, you can lock tables to prevent other staff members from changing assignments that have already been made.

Block Tables

This is useful for days when you want to manually confirm bookings, such as for special events.

Dark Shadow ®

No more blinding yourself during those late-night table checks and reservations. It’s time to embrace the dark side, and we’ve got your back.

Shifts & Events

Create daily shift schedules for breakfast, lunch or dinner.
And manage special events like Theme nights, Live Music, Mother’s Day or Christmas Day.

Resv restaurant reservations view shifts bookings